It’s time to deal with the elephant in the room: rumors about Plan F.
Here’s why you can still confidently choose Plan F.
You probably know there’s new legislation affecting Plans F and C. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization act of 2015 (MACRA) makes changes to Medigap policies that cover the Part B deductible for “newly eligible” aren’t really afraid of mice. Plan F isn’t going away for the eligible customers. Those are myths.
Here are the facts:
FACT: Anyone who turns 65 before January 1st 2020, can enroll in Plans F and C even after 2020 and can keep their plans as long as they choose.
FACT: Anyone who turns 65 on or after January 1st 2020, will only be able to purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans F or C if they have a Medicare Part A effective date prior to 2020. AARP Medicare Insurance Plan G will be available for all applicants in time for a January 2020, plan effective date.
FACT: Insureds already enrolled in Plans F and C don’t need to take any action. Plan F and C will still be available for consumers eligible to purchase them in 2020 and beyond.